Hatchet:By Gary Paulsen
Quote 1: "Brian stood at the end of the long part of the L of the lake and watched the water, smelled the water, listened to the water, was the water."(pg,45,chapter 13) -In order to catch his prey, Brian had to know the world around by using all of his senses and also by focusing. He had to become confortable with the new enviorment and fight his fears face to face.
Quote 2: "He was not the same now—the Brian that stood and watched the wolves move away and nodded to them was completely changed. Time had come, time that he measured but didn't care about; time had come into his life and moved out and left him different.In measured time forty-seven days had passed since the crash. Forty-two days, he thought, since he had died and been born as the new Brian."(pg.45, chapter 13) - Brian has changed completely and is a TOTALLY different person. He accepted his new enviorment and feels at home with his surroundings and wild animals. He feels he has become a part of the wilderness.
Quote 3: "He was not the same. The plane passing changed him, the disappointment cut him down and made him new. He was not the same and would never be again like he had been. That was one of the true things, the new things. And the other one was that he would not die, he would not let death in again."(pg.46, chapter 13) -Brian knows that he has changed completely—in his mind he's a completely new person after the rescue plane leaves. He is no longer desperate to leave his new reality and is at peace and in no hurry to go back to his old cizilized world