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Hatchet:By Gary Paulsen
Quote 1)“Brian opened his eyes and screamed. For seconds he did not know where he was, only that the crash was still happening and he was going to die, and he screamed until his breath was gone. Then silence, filled with sobs, as he pulled in air, half crying. How could it be so quiet? Moments ago there was nothing but noise, crashing and tearing, screaming, now quiet. Some birds were singing. How could birds be singing?”(pg 13, chapter 4) After Brian wakes up from the crash, he is terrified and shocked by everything he's been through. Nature plays its role unconcerned because that’s what nature does.Brian is by the natural world around him. It's totally different from anything he's known before in the city, and it's totally overwhelming to him. What he first hears as a silence turns out to be full of sound, full of life—right away he has to start adjusting his understanding to his new reality
Quote 2)““I'm hungry." He said it aloud. In normal tones at first, then louder and louder until he was yelling it. "I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I’m hungry.” When he stopped there was sudden silence, not just from him but the clicks and burps and bird sounds of the forest as well. The noise of his voice had startled everything and it was quiet. He looked around, listened with his mouth open, and realized that in all his life he had never heard silence before. Complete silence. There had always been some sound, some kind of sound. It lasted only a few seconds, but it was so intense that it seemed to become part of him. Nothing. There was no sound.”(pg.20, chapter 5) -The silence that Brian introduces into the forest by his yelling is a silence deeper and more profound than any silence he's heard before. Just like at other points in the book, the world of nature here gives Brian a brand new perspective on the world he's known in the past; it makes him see things in a new way. His hunger makes him realise the value of simple things like food, shelter which he had taken for granted, now in their abscense he realised the worth of these things.
Quote 3)“‘You are your most valuable asset. Don’t forget that. You are the best thing you have.’ “(pg.20, chapter 6) -Brian remembers the words of his English teacher Mr Perpich, who advises him to have hope and to keep positive no matter which situation he face. So now Brian needs more hope than ever. Brian also starts aprreciating the value of advises that he recieved in the past and decides to practice them so that he can survive in the wilderness.

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